Basic Information

School Category : Nursery School

Type of School : (Private) Day

Average Fee (Monthly) : NA

About Tiny Tots Nursery School
The choice of a nursery or primary school is often the first big decision parents have to make, concerning their child’s education. We fully understand how momentous this process can be, and how much time and thought must be invested to ensure the right decision. Choosing the Tiny Tots Nursery School we hope, we will serve as the first building block in our partnership with you and your child. At Tiny Tots Nursery School we see education as a dynamic process which cannot be split into ‘home’, and ‘school’, since the influence of own will always reflect the other. As such it is essential that parents and teachers works together, and that a partnership is formed which will foster an atmosphere of mutual trust, common aims and clear intentions, we regard our associate with parents as one of our greatest assets and actively encourage their involvement in the development of the school.
  • Ball room
  • Class Rooms
  • Drawing
  • Transportation
  • Class Room
  • Painting
  • Transportation
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