
Ankur Goel
Aug 3, 2020

Butterflies go through an amazing transformation from wiggly wormlike caterpillars to elegant, colourful flying insects. This life-changing process is called metamorphosis.

Eggs : Female butterflies lay tiny eggs that they stick onto leaves. The eggs are different shapes depending on the type of butterfly that laid them. Stages

Caterpillar : Caterpillars hatch from eggs. They eat the leaf?their egg was stuck to first. Then they eat more leaves from the same type of plant. They need to eat lots of leaves to grow bigger.

Chrysalis : When caterpillars are fully grown, they stick to a leaf or twig and form a hard layer of skin around themselves, called a chrysalis. The caterpillar changes inside the chrysalis.

Breaking out : The new butterfly breaks out of the chrysalis. Its wings are soft and damp. They must stretch and dry out before the butterfly can fly.

Adult : Adult butterflies have beautiful colours and are able to fly.Male and female adults?mate to make new eggs