
Jul 29, 2020

Answers vary from 640 to 850, depending on how you count them. Muscles make up the engine of the body by turning energy into motion. It is impossible to do almost anything without them: talking, eating, writing, running, and dancing are all done with muscles. In addition, we have muscles that act involuntarily for breathing and for keeping our heart beating.

Muscles are divided into three body systems. Skeletal muscles move the bones and the facial muscles. These muscles have striped, or striated, fibres and are called voluntary muscles because the human brain consciously controls them. These muscles are the ones that get injured in physical activity or sporting events. They make up about 47 percent of body mass in men and about 38 percent in women. Smooth muscles are found in the stomach and intestinal walls, in vein and artery walls, and in other internal organs. These are involuntary muscles we do not generally control them, so we don’t need to consciously think about them.