On record 12th Board exam frees you from the shackles of so called school life. Yet it also opens the door for greater opportunities where you step out to pursue any educational field that matches the career of your choice and aspirations. So the marks obtained in 12th exams holds a great prominence and deciding factory for selections to various academic institutions and entrance exams.

Tips For Science Preparation


Get a clear understanding on the fundamental and conceptual aspects of physics to acquire an extra edge. The analysis of past papers and experiences of students suggests that most of the questions that are being asked in final exams are direct formula and theorem based.Thus one needs to memories and revise all the formulas and theorems. 

Repetition is key to success to revise as much as one can. Try to solve as many last year and model papers as you can get hold of. This way you will get the important experience of solving numerical based questions which require applications of formulas and theorems extensively, thereby becoming well prepared ahead of final shot.

Some of the relatively easier topics are Modern Physics, Optics, Oscillation & Waves, and Heat & Thermodynamics, which are more based on theory and direct formula. Preparing these well will get you sure-shot marks.


Again chemistry is considered as the very high-scoring subject which normally is very less time-consuming in preparations as compared to other subjects.

The questions based on Organic and Inorganic Chemistry should be attempted at first as these are directly fact-based and usually are easy to solve in no time. By attempting these two parts first it will surely boost your confidence and give ample time for rest of the paper.

This subject also demands practice so that you gain the speed with accuracy in solving problems. Only by revisions, at least twice before the exams can help in attainting perfection in this subject.

Thoroughly study the name reactions in Organic Chemistry, along with examples, as these are extremely important.

Note down all the important formulae on a big white paper sheet and paste it somewhere where you can get to see it on a daily basis.


Biology demands memorising things. There are enormous amount of terms, diagrams, definitions and terminologies which needs to memorised and learned by heart. Practice writing the spelling of all difficult terms repeatedly so as to get acquainted with them.

Once you cover up the entire prescribed syllabus, try to solve all the objective questions first. Whenever you feel stuck, go back to consulting the book and revising that portion which demands further attention. This will help you to get in-depth knowledge on the topic. Try to solve as many previous years' questions as possible keeping in mind the time limit.

Don’t try to experiment too much with learning styles. Only follow a learning style that you are most comfortable with. Some students use visual devices like drawing, charts, pictures, graphs and maps, to name a few. These supplements help you to retain the knowledge on the subject as you immediately associate the question with a diagram or a picture that you have gone through while studying the subject.

Recommended textbooks

  • Moderns ABC of Chemistry, Class XII by Modern Publishers
  • Advanced Problems in School Physics by Cengage LearningIndia
  • Trueman's Elementary Biology by K.N. Bhatia and M.P. Tyagi

Tips on Mathematics

The core demand of Mathematics is to get immense clarity in all the fundamentals and concepts. Revision and Practice also holds the key to success when it comes to mathematics. Take some portion of your daily timetable to practicing mathematics and solving questions regularly. Mathematics is way opposite to biology, where memorising is holds the key. With Mathematics only practice can get you prepared for help you to become more and more clear of all the concepts and techniques.

Initially try solve the problems using conventional methods. Once you attain a bit of expertise, try out short-cut methods to increase speed. But always keep in mind to stay away from jumping crucial steps, which may confuse you later.

Calculations can be time consuming and time is a major factor during the exams. Thus practice a lot to acquire speed so as to attempt the entire paper.

Analyse all your silly mistakes and rectify them with practice.

Jot down important formulae and tables that you need to memorise. Copy them on to a list and carry it around wherever you go.

Practice common square root and cube root problems so that you can quickly solve them during exam.

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