
Anil kumar
Jul 28, 2020

All the planets are round because of gravity. Gravity is the force exerted inward toward the center of the planet so that all parts of the surface are pulled evenly toward the center. The result is a sphere, or ball. When the Earth and other planets were forming, gravity gathered all the gas and dust into bigger and bigger clumps. Collisions made the material hot and molten, and gravity pulled it all inward as much as possible to make a sphere. Later, all the molten material cooled and hardened in these spherical forms.

Planets are not perfect spheres. Any spinning mass wants to throw that mass to the outside, as far away from the center of rotation as possible. The Earth is close to being a sphere, but not quite. The bulge from its spinning makes it twenty-six miles farther from one point to the opposite point on the equator than it is from pole to pole.