Basic Information

Principal/Director : Mrs. Kanika Aggarwal

School Category : Nursery School

Type of School : (Private) Day

Average Fee (Monthly) : NA

About Dolphin Kids School
Dolphin Kids provides a warm and loving environment which encourage development and intellectual growth. We believe that children feel more secure when given realistic limits and freedom to grow. We're following the guidelines of N. A. E. Y. C (National Association for Education of Young Children, USA). Mission Statement: To nurture young minds in a culturally appropriate environment and provide opportunities that will help them realize their true potential. We at Dolphin Kids provide a perfect blend of International standard education in an Indian way. Vision Statement: We want to energize, enable and enhance childhood by fostering growth of mind, body & spirit. This will lead them to become lifelong learners. Philosophy: Our philosophy is to provide each child with a culturally appropriate environment, value, love and protection needed to grow healthily in body, mind and spirit. Our stimulating environment and a specifically based curriculum nurture the roots and lay the foundation to help every child achieve success in all phases of life.
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