Basic Information

School Category : Senior Secondary School

Medium of School : English

Type of School : (Private) Day

Average Fee (Monthly) : NA

About Ryan International School - Nallasopara
Understanding the changing paradigm in education, the Ryan International Group of Institutions has integrating its state-of-the-art educational practices to leverage quality education through the country. Over the last three decades, RYAN, an acknowledged leader in K12 education, has been passionately working to develop young minds to be prepared for the challenges of a rapidly evolving world by offering a method of study that values inquiry, experience and reflection. RYAN has been featured as one of India's Most Respected Schools and the leading chain of privately owned schools in the country for their professional expertise and vast educational experience. Ryan International School, Nallasopara is yet another school under the auspices of Ryan Group that offers CBSE curriculum blended with the wisdom of Ryan built over the passage of time. The blend of holistic education encourages children to discover and strengthen their own unique learning styles through a combination of trans-disciplinary pedagogy and learning through hands on experience. The School aims to go well beyond the conventional classroom environs, by providing a plethora of enriching & age-appropriate school activities fine-tuned over the last 3 decades. The result is that children learn in a nurturing & supportive environment which helps them develop holistically with a keen sense of their strengths and a high self-esteem. Ryan is commitment to its motto of Excellence in Academics and All Round Development. It is fully focused to nurture highly value conscious leaders through value based education.
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