Basic Information

Established in Year : 2014

School Category : Nursery School

Medium of School : Both

Type of School : (Private) Physically Challenged

Average Fee (Monthly) : NA

About Blossom Tree Play School
Blossom Tree Play School emphasizes on the all-round development of children through age-appropriate learning activities. our aim is to provide the highest standards of professional care and education, in a natural, happy, safe and secure environment. We fully acknowledge parents as the primary educators of their children, hence we insist on working in partnership with parents for the benefit of their child. We provide an atmosphere which nurtures self-esteem through positive relationships. we acknowledge and encourage each child's individuality and level of competence. we does not only stop at providing a service, but to partner with parents to see children enjoy their days at Blossom Tree and when they leave for school not only the children, but also their parents should be happy, confident and ready for the challenges ahead of them.
  • Art & Craft
  • clay modelling
  • Dance and Music
  • Day care
  • Drama
  • Singing Class Facility
  • Yoga
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