Basic Information

Established in Year : 1993

School Category : Secondary School

Medium of School : English

Type of School : (Private) Day

Average Fee (Monthly) : NA

About Colonel Child Bloom School
The school is run by a registered educational society called Ex-Servicemen Child Bloom Educational Society. The school is recognized by the Delhi Administration and is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education Colonel Child Bloom School is a symbol of quality education and holistic all round development since its inception in 1993. The school is located about 25 kms from the New Delhi Railway Station and about 15 kms from the Delhi International Airport, away from the pollution and maddening crowd of the city. The charming, picturesque surroundings provide the perfect atmosphere for young minds to blossom. Students not only learn what their textbooks have to offer, but they also get in touch with nature and discover their own hidden facts. The school employs the latest teaching techniques to ensure that students not only earn certificates, but also accumulate knowledge during their sojourn here. Colonel Child Bloom School does not believe in churning out a certain number of educated children every year, it believes in creating mature, knowledgeable individuals who are an asset to their society. Discipline and personality development are the two inherent values that Colonel Child Bloom School inculcates in its students. Your child will not be a mere student; he/she shall be a part of a movement that strives to create a world which believes in a wholesome mix of tradition and modernity.
  • Bus facility
  • Laboratories
  • Library
  • Medical
  • Sports Facilities
Admission Procedure
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