Basic Information

Established in Year : 2004

Medium of School : English

Type of School : (Private) Day

Average Fee (Monthly) : NA

About Rose Mary Public School
Between the E and N of education the Rosemary Public School slips in the basic skills necessary to ride on the challenging roller coaster called Life. The purpose of education at Rosemary is to train young people for responsible citizenship in an epoch that is witnessing bewildering change and unparalleled challenge. The future of any nation depends on the character of its people. Rosemary Public School seeks to send forth a steady stream of such men and women who will enrich the nation and serve the world. This is possible by imbibing in them a sense of dedication, devotion to duty and a desire to serve. To prepare the young Rosemarians for life, the school aims to provide an environment that facilitates moral, intellectual, cultural, physical, ethical and spiritual growth that drills deep in their psyche. Rosemarians are taught the importance of positive traits of human values such as bravery, honesty, self-respect, dignity, straight forwardness and above all courage and self-conviction to walk alone with head held high and eyes fixed on the target.
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